Selected commissioned works – 2021:

• "The impact of wind turbines on the human environment – analysis of electromagnetic fields and operation in conditions of blade icing". Ordering party: PWEA, contract number: 65/NN/21,

• "Expert opinion on the impact of connection to the 110 kV network of the plant in Krusze, Klembów commune, on the power system". Principal: PGE Dystrybucja SA of Warsaw, contract number: 108/NN/18,

• "Evaluation of connection possibilities of the 400 kV transmission network node in Dunowo". Principal: Green Bear Corporation, contract number: 101/NN/21,
• "Verification of algorithms for determining electrical parameters of multi-circuit multi-voltage power lines models". Principal: PSE Innowacje, contract number: 206/NN/20,

• "Analysis of the impact of connecting the planned electricity source on the existing 30 kV and 6 kV systems (operated by GA ZAP) and the associated 220 kV GA ZAP system switchgear (operated by PSE)". Principal: Grupa Azoty, Azoty Zakładowe "Puławy", contract number: 52/NN/2021,

• "Preparation of a study on Synchro-Check automation in 110 kV networks, preparation of workshops on Synchro-Check automation and selection of Synchro-Check automation settings for 2 locations". Principal: Poznań University of Technology, contract number: 66/NN/2021,

• "Adaptation of the SCC Industrial computer program to the needs of the Ordering Party". Principal: PSE Innowacje, contract number: 89/NN/21,
• "Evaluation of photometric parameters of the lighting system in accordance with the PN-EN-13201 standard on the S17 Warsaw expressway (Zakręt village) – Garwolin on the section "Lubelska" junction (without the junction) – Kołbiel (beginning of the ring road)". Principal: Elektro-Lech, contract number: 194/NN/20,
• "Assessment of photometric parameters of the lighting system in accordance with the PN-EN-13201 standard on the S19 expressway from the "Lasy Janowskie" junction to the "Nisko Południe" junction, task "C" from the "Rudnik nad Sanem" junction (with the junction) to the junction " Low South" (with knot)". Ordering party: MIXEL, contract number: 120/NN/21,

• "Comprehensive examination of the power system of the Sugar Plant Werbkowice Branch in Werbkowice". Principal: Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, contract number: 48/NN/2021.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17