Egzaminy dyplomowe

Diploma exams

Diploma exams
In order to take the diploma exam, the following requirements must be met:

• carry out a work topic of your choice,
• edit the work in accordance with the guidelines.

With your diploma thesis ready, you should:

• agree with the secretary of the examination committee the proposed date of defence,
• at least 2 weeks before the planned defense date, submit an index book (along with a complete set of credits) to the dean's office,• provide to the secretary of the examination board:
○ two copies of the diploma thesis in a hard cover with an attached and signed CD/DVD. The carrier should contain the diploma thesis in digital form (e.g. doc, docx, pdf, odt) and other materials (e.g. completed computer program, source code),

○ one copy of the diploma thesis in a glued soft cover (not bound), printed on both sides together with a copy of the medium described above.
After meeting all formal requirements, the diploma student may take the exam. During the defense, the knowledge of issues both in the field of the diploma thesis and electrical power engineering will be checked.

The evaluating examination committee at the Department of Power Engineering consists of the following persons:
prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Kacejko – chairman,
dr hab. inż. Piotr Miller, prof. university,
dr. inż. Zbigniew Połecki – vice-chairman,
dr. inż. Robert Jędrychowski – secretary

List of exam topics – first-cycle studies

  1. Series and parallel resonance
  2. Transients in R, L, C systems.
  3. Electric and magnetic fields – basic concepts and units
  4. Methods of regulating the rotational speed of induction motors
  5. Starting of induction motors
  6. Classification of electric motors
  7. Tariffs in the power industry
  8. Classification of generating devices
  9. Economic calculation in the power industry
  10. Demand for power and energy
  11. The energy market
  12. Ground fault protection of the MV line
  13. The basic principle of operation and selection of settings for HV line distance protection.
  14.  Discuss the selection of protections for HV/MV and MV/LV transformers
    1. Features of power protections.
    2. Measuring systems used to supply protections in MV networks.


    1. Automatic auto-reclosing and ATS.
    2. Electric light sources – classification.
    3. Lighting design.
    4. Methods of making electrical installations.
    5. Selection of wires in electrical installations.
    6. Overload and short-circuit protection in electrical installations.


    1. Installation fasteners
    2. Acceptance and periodic tests of electrical installations.
    3. Protection against electric shock in low voltage electrical installations.
    4. Power measurement in 3-phase systems.
    5. Parameters characterising the quality of electricity.
    6. Parameters and equivalent diagram of the HV line.
    7. Voltage drops in the power grid.
    8. Voltage regulation in power grids.
    9. Supporting structures and wires of an overhead power line.


    1. Short circuits in power grids.
    2. Pumped-storage power plants.
    3. Renewable energy sources.
    4. Selection of HV switches.
    5. Power and energy losses.
    6. Reactive power compensation.
    7. Construction and layout of power stations.

    List of examination topics – second-cycle studies

    1. Give the reasons for the poor quality of power supply to the loads and suggest methods of improvement.
    2. Discuss the parameters describing the quality of electricity.
    3. Models of power lines and transformers.
    4. Power and energy losses
    5. Parallel operation of transformers.
      1. Tasks performed by the Control and Supervision System.
      2. Data transmission technologies used in the power industry.


      1. Functions performed by station and field controllers used in telecommunication engineering.
      2. Recording disturbances in the power system.
      3. Authorisations to operate and supervise electrical devices – principles of granting.
      4. Authorisations to perform independent functions in the construction industry – "building authorisations" – types of authorisations, rules and process of granting authorisations, requirements regarding qualifications and education.
      5. Principles of protection against electric shock in systems with voltage up to 1 kV.
      6. Principles of protection against electric shock in systems with voltage higher than 1 kV
      7. Organisation of safe work in the power industry – functionaries, their qualifications and duties, work performed without instructions, work performed on written and oral orders.
      8. Live work in power equipment and networks.
      9. Insulation tests and measurements (factors influencing the insulation condition, insulation condition indicators, voltage tests, resistance measurements, dissipation factor measurements.
      10. Locating the places of damage in cable lines.
      11. Exploitation tests of MV substation bays (measurements of current transformers, voltage transformers, circuit breaker testing).
      12. Research and operational measurements of transformers.
      13. Classification of Power Protection Automation systems. Give examples.
      14. Protection of HV power lines.
      15. Protection against phase-to-phase short circuits of MV power lines.
      16. Methods of implementing earth-fault protection of MV power lines depending on the method of operation of the network neutral point.
      17. Differential protection of transformers.
      18. The role of the gas-flow relay in transformer protection.
      19. Protection against phase-to-phase and inter-turn short circuits of electric motors.
      20. Explain the phenomenon of distance measurement falsification in distance protection.
      21. Types of nodes in problems related to power flow calculations (state variables, constraints, roles they play in the analysed system).
      22. Schemes of circuit connections for symmetrical components depending on the type of short-circuit.
      23. Cycles of power plants and combined heat and power plants, types of turbines and systems used
      24. Ways to increase the efficiency of cycles in power plants and combined heat and power plants
      25. Energy transformations and losses in electricity generation processes
      26. Scope of operation of the extraction-condensing turbine set (Schneider diagram)
      27. Types of water turbines used in hydropower
      28. Characteristics and principle of operation of a pumped storage power plant
      29. Tariffs in the power industry.
      30. TPA [Third Party Access] Principle.
      31. Balancing market and energy exchange.

Topics of diploma theses – academic year 2022/2023

Przykładowe tematy zrealizowanych prac dyplomowych

W załączniku udostępniono zestawienie pracy dyplomowych (inżynierskich oraz magisterskich) obronionych w Katedrze Elektroenergetyki w latach 2007-2012. Zachęcamy Wszystkich przyszłych dyplomantów do lektury.

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Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17